How Much Space To Partition For Windows 10 On Mac For Solidworkds

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How Much Space To Partition For Windows 10 On Mac For Solidworkds

Running SOLIDWORKS on a Mac People often ask if it is possible to run SOLIDWORKS on a Mac – the good news is you can. We know quite a few users running SOLIDWORKS successfully on a Mac. The bad news is that it isn’t supported by SOLIDWORKS … There are no versions of SOLIDWORKS that are written for Mac OS and OS X, however there are versions of eDrawings available for Mac OS. A change in Mac OS or an upgrade to SOLIDWORKS may suddenly give you major headache. We would always recommend running SOLIDWORKS on a Windows PC.

However if you have to run SOLIDWORKS on a Mac read on:- Running SOLIDWORKS on a Mac means you are making compromises on speed, functionality and stability. SOLIDWORKS is only supported when:-

  1. Running on Microsoft operating systems. With SOLIDWORKS 2019, that means running Windows 10 or Windows 7 operating systems. However, Windows 7 will only be supported until the end of the 2020 release, so we recommend going with Windows 10. It also means you have to buy a copy of the Windows operating system.
  2. Running with a supported graphics card (more of this later).

Assuming that you store your data (pictures, music etc) on a partition other than the System partition, 100 GBytes is adequate. I've been doing this for many years and my Windows 10 System partition now uses 50 GBytes. 20 GBytes is nowwhere enough and 200 GBytes is far too much. As you can see from the above Screen Shot, you will need at least 40 GB of free space to install Windows on your MacBook. Edit: As per the info from Apple support website, you will need at least 55 GB of free space on the internal hard drive. 17.1K views View 2 Upvoters. 40GB as a bare minimum, 50GB or more would be recommended. I have 32GB and upon clean install, I have 500MB free space left. Microsoft bumps minimum Windows 10 storage requirement to 32 Gigabytes - gHacks Tech News.

The operating system on a Mac is called “Mac OS” and there are two ways of running Windows 10 on a Mac:-

  1. Boot Camp
  2. Parallels
  1. Boot Camp

This is the preferred method – it effectively runs Windows on your computer instead of Mac OS. In effect, you end up with one computer with a choice of two operating systems.

When you boot up your Mac you have to choose to run either Mac OS or Windows.

Boot Camp Assistant creates a partition just for Windows, leaving your existing Mac OS volume intact.

It is free to install but you do have to buy a copy of your preferred windows operating system.

Note: It is important you only use “boot camp assistant” to create this windows partition. See

2. Parallels

Parallels software can be installed on your Mac OS. It allows you to run a “virtual” copy of a Windows operating system at the same time as running your Mac OS.

In our case, we would use Parallels to run a “Virtual PC”. The “Virtual PC” would then run Windows 10 on which SOLIDWORKS can ultimately run. You need to buy Parallels and a copy of Windows 10 for this solution.

Running Parallels on a Mac is really convenient as you can seamlessly switch between Windows and Mac OS when needed.

Unfortunately, it really stretches the capabilities of most machines to run both Mac OS and Windows as well as a heavy-duty program like SOLIDWORKS at the same time. It also introduces an extra level of software to “go wrong”. Certainly running via Parallels is slower and more prone to crashing SOLIDWORKS than the Boot Camp solution.

Graphics Cards

You need to be running a supported graphics card to get the most out of SOLIDWORKS.

Only a few cards are supported by SOLIDWORKS.

NVIDIA sell a range of supported graphics cards called “Quadro” (the exception is the Quadro NVS, which is unsupported). Most NVIDIA cards are from their GeForce range, which are not supported.

ATI sell as range of graphics cards called “FireGL”/“FirePRO” which are supported. Most ATI cards are from their Radeon range, which are not supported.

Not many Macs come with supported graphics card. No MacBook or MacBook Pros have supported cards.

If you run via Parallels, you are running a “virtual” graphics card driver. There is currently no way to install the correct NVIDIA Quadro or ATI Fire drivers required by SOLIDWORKS via Parallels even if you have a supported card. You have to use the generic Parallels virtual driver. The virtual driver is much slower than using the correct driver running on a normal Windows PC or laptop.

Certain workarounds do exist to allow.

Without a supported card, you won’t get some feature such as the looking glass, RealView etc. to work.

Users have also reported items temporarily disappearing after you rotate/zoom/Pan e.g. dimension text.

Finally, without a supported card SOLIDWORKS is less stable and more prone to crashing.

If you are plagued by stability/display issues its worth running SOLIDWORKS with the option “Software OpenGL” turned on.

Start SOLIDWORKS without any document loaded and select “Tools, Options, System Options, Performance, use Software OpenGL”.

The option above calculates the graphics using your processor and a standard library, rather than the graphics card and graphics driver. This is slower but it can provide improve stability and a more reliable display.

If you have any more questions or would like us to spec you up a machine to run SOLIDWORKS on please refer to this guide, or contact us via one of our web forms here.

As the main disk, C Drive is mainly used for storing system files, programs, temporary files, etc. However, many people have no idea about how much space these files take up and how much space should be allocated for C Drive on Windows 10. In this post, we will talk about the problems above and give you some advice.

Space for C drive:

1. Recommended Space For System Files (30GB – 50GB)

How Much Space To Partition For Windows 10 On Mac For Solidworks Crack

A system file is a crucial computer file which helps Windows 10 operate correctly. These files may come as part of the operating system, a third-party device driver or other sources. According to Microsoft’s official announcement, the minimum hard drive requirements for Windows 10 are 16 GB (32-bit) and 20 GB (64-bit). What’s more, Windows 10 will reserve about 7 GB of storage to facilitate proper performance and successful updates of your device.

As the picture shows, how much space do the system files take up on C Drive when the Windows 10 is just installed.

As a result, it is recommended that we allocate 30 – 50 GB of space on C Drive for the operating system and its related files.

2. Recommended Space for Program Files (30GB)

It is up to you to decide whether the programs are installed on C Drive or not. Though most programs are installed on C Drive by default, it would be better to install programs on other drives, which can make your device run more smoothly. We recommend you to allocate about 30 GB of space to install some frequently-used programs on C Drive.

3. Recommended Space for Hibernation File (8GB – 32GB)

Hibernation file (hiberfil.sys) is a file created by the operating system when the computer goes into Hibernation Mode. The computer can maintain the current system state in this mode and this file is used when the computer is turned back on. If you don’t employ this feature, you can disable it and delete the file, whose size is as large as your physical memory size.

This is how much space that the Hibernation file takes up on a device (RAM 8 GB).

4. Recommended Space for Virtual Memory (12GB – 40GB)

In addition, Virtual memory (pagefile.sys) is a gigantic file used to manage virtual memory. In most cases, virtual memory is recommended to be 1.5 to 3 times the size of physical memory. Although the system automatically sets the virtual memory size for you, you can still set it by yourself like the picture below.

5. Space for Temporary Files (10GB)

Temporary files are generated on C Drive by default while you are running any programs, browsing web pages, etc. But you can modify the path as you like and clean up these files without affecting computer operation. These files only take up about 10 GB of C Drive space or even less if they are cleaned up regularly.

6. 10%-20% Free Space of C Drive is Beneficial for Windows

Besides the large files mentioned above, there are also different kinds of small files, such as the files put on the desktop which are stored on the C Drive. In addition, it is essential to remain 10%-20% free space for C Drive to ensure the stable operation of the system.


As shown in the figure, the space occupied by the main files on C Drive:

The contents above are the introduction and recommendation of the C Drive space. Totally, 100GB to 150GB of capacity is recommended C Drive size for Windows 10. In fact, the appropriate storage of C Drive depends on various factors. For example, the storage capacity of your hard disk drive (HDD) and whether your program is installed on the C Drive or not. If you are not familiar with disk partition and storage, it is recommended that more space be allocated to the C Drive to avoid the situation of running out of storage.

How Much Space To Partition For Windows 10 On Mac For Solidworks Software

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