Arma 3 Day Night Cycle


  1. Arma 3 Day Night Cycle Activities
  2. Arma 3 Day Night Cycle Definition
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  1. Official Arma 3 campaign. It is, to give more justice to the game, a military sandbox: wide open terrains with no zone restrictions, ground, air and sea (over and under) vehicles, a full under-water environment, local flora and fauna, day-night cycle, an accurate night sky, tides and moon phases. And of course a large variety of weapons.
  2. Well i say take the vote day of in server and lets have a night period for maybe 30/40 mins or even a hour. Just to mix it up a little bit. As evey1 votes day and i find it not that realistic. Adding a night period gives it a bit of realism to it. Like bulleit said Night adds a variety of new tactical options, and requires some gearing up.
  3. Official Arma 3 campaign. It is, to give more justice to the game, a military sandbox: wide open terrains with no zone restrictions, ground, air and sea (over and under) vehicles, a full under-water environment, local flora and fauna, day-night cycle, an accurate night sky, tides and moon phases. And of course a large variety of weapons.

My server restart every 3 hours, and i would like to have day and night cycle. I want it to be 2h day and 1h night, and when server restart it will start with day and repeat the same thing.

Sets a time multiplier for in-game time. The command range is now capped at 0.1 - 120 to avoid performance problems.
Server-side only in multi-player.


setTimeMultiplier value
value: Number - has to be in range from 0.1 to 120
Return Value:


Example 1:
setTimeMultiplier 60;
Example 2:
setTimeMultiplier 0.5;

Additional Information

See also:

Arma 3 Day Night Cycle Activities


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Arma 3 Day Night Cycle Definition

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